can you take the stamped, sealed enevlopes to the school office with the empty label sheets and have the office print, stick and mail for you? I feel its the least they can do for you since they would give you the list.
If the school is not allowed to give the PTO the student's mailing information, do they have an option where the school will send out PTO information on the PTO's behalf? No breach in confidentiality, then.
Not knowing the specifics of this law, I'm wondering if it prevents everyone - anywhere - from submitting a request for addresses and information. The armed services get this information and it goes way beyond just an address. It includes extra curriculars, height, weight, and more on our children.
Rather than talk to a principal about this, I think you should submit a formal request for information through your school district and see where that gets you.
We have a home delivery system at our school that sends messages home to every family via a sort of "inter office" manila envelope.
Thank you for your reply in this matter. However, as a PTO president now for 4 years and as anyone involved in fundraising will tell you, a letter sent home saying that raffle tickets are available at the school as ooposed to actually mailing the raffle tickets home will be lucky to net us half the amount of money we have made in the past.
Also, I know for a fact from talking with other PTA and PTO presidents that in the past, NJ did allow access to mailing lists.