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Advertiser sponsorship of weekly PTSO email messages

16 years 3 weeks ago #147748 by Sharon PTSO
We post all fundraising events for PTSO, Boosters and Arts and Music in our weekly email messages. We also add in any fundraisers classes are doing (we are a HS) and groups like NHS etc. Parents seem happy to have the information in one place.
16 years 4 weeks ago #147673 by davyty
Has anyone sent emails to promote an upcoming fundraiser, if so, what were the results? Thanks in advance for your reply.
16 years 1 month ago #147625 by Sharon PTSO
Our school was approached in this same manner and we decided to not allow sponsorship ads on our school emails. We felt that our parents were trusting us with their e-addresses to send them school info only. People already get so much spam that we didn't want to irritate the parents by allowing advertisements in the emails. And, we didn't want to risk that they'd stop reading the emails if we did start allowing it.
16 years 1 month ago #147614 by Sharon PTSO
We send out a weekly email message to all families who have joined the list. The messages include notices of school and community events and programs generally all relating to students. This is a HS population. We have recently been approached by a local company (not a student or child related service) to sponsor our emails. They would pay us to have a link to their company on each email. In a time when fundraising is so difficult this seems like a good way to earn money but I am concerned that because we are sending the messages the reader doesn't have the choice but to read it where if the ad were on a website the reader can choose to go to that website or not. Has anyone done this before and what was the response of parents to the ad?
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