Is Target doing this btfe matching promotion this year as well? Could someone please let me know! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is no conceivable way for a school BoxTops Coordinator or employee on the receiving end at the BoxTops sorting facility to determine whether the BoxTops submitted on the special Target sheets came from a product carried by Target. How can we possibly be expected to do this?
If all the Box Tops on those sheets are from products carried by and purchased at Target, you should get the bonus credits for all 100 sheets. No limit to the number of sheets submitted was mentioned.
Is there a max limit to the number of Target bonus tops a school can submit? For example, if I have 100 Target Bonus sheets (with 30 box tops on each sheet), will I get credit for all 100 sheets? or is there a limit to how many bonus sheets a school can submit?