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Fundraising Dollars

16 years 2 months ago #146136 by LeadingtheWay
When we started out things were much less formal. We'd accept funding requests and grant them. At the end of the year, we'd decide on a carry over and the balance would be donated to the district for "educational purposes."

One year the district added our money to some of theirs to expand the playground. One year to buy new bleachers for the gym. We were good with those decisions.

One year the district had large budget cuts and used the funds we raised to plug the holes. For all we know we bought toilet paper. We weren't ok with that. To add insult to injury that same year, the district stopped paying for buses for field trips, so the families were asked to pay $12-$15 per trip rather than the typical $5 or $6.

The following year, we decided to take control of the funds.

We met with the principals and asked them to get with the teachers and choose some pet programs for each grade level and each school that wanted funds for. We were no longer giving $100 for the band party and $100 for the cast party and whatever. We'd fund only things that benefited every child or at least every child in a particular grade.

We now have a list of events we fund that are the same every year, rather than a lot of misc. little requests.

The bulk of the money donated and earmarked for field trips, and it's credited per child. So if we have $15,000 and 1250 children, they each have a $12 field trip credit. We ask that there be at least 2 field trips a year and that they split the money between them to make it easier on parents who are struggling to pay their portion.

This has worked well for the past 4 years.
16 years 2 months ago #146135 by Ellen
Replied by Ellen on topic RE: Fundraising Dollars
We normally make allocations at the end of the year for the following year.

Last year we put $$ towards the school/church's refridgerator bill, a carpet scrubber, debrillator and our VBS program.

Here's our other items:
Accelerated Reader (books/tests/AR store)
$100 for each teacher for classroom supplies.
Lutheran School Week
Teacher appreciation week
End of the Year Carnival
Holiday parties
Attendence award for class w/most parent representation at meetings
Babysitting for meeting

This year we are putting $$ towards the above, plus a pavilion fund, a feminine hygiene dispenser and possibly a school sign.
16 years 3 months ago #146130 by Mom23boys

I'm a new president at an independent school.

I was wondering how you spend the money that you raise for your schools. We currently use a 'wish list' system. We raise money throughout the year and, at the end of the year, the teachers submit requests and we disburse the money to support those items that we approve.

Anyway, this isn't entirely satisfactory for our parents. It seems a little haphazard and frivolous. I was hoping you all could share how you disburse your money and what you spend your fundraising dollars on.

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