Fox Mom is right...the Feb submission date is to insure that you still get the check ( in April ) so the funds can be used before the end of this school year. Anything you send in from this point on (including the Oct submission) will be credited to next years total..added to the December payment. Some people send in monthtly, some send only before the deadlines to cut down on postage. It's your choice. I do suggest making a submission at the end of May-some boxtops expire June 1st..and will be no good if you wait until after summer to submit again.
OK, you are right about the check.... The deadline of the 29th was to ensure that you would get a check in April.
I would still send in all your box tops--- they will toward your check you receive in Dec.-- but the bigger thing is that if you wait, you may have some expired box tops in your request and if that happens they void the whole shipment.
You're better off sending in whatever you have now and they will put that toward your Dec. total. Then I would also send one in the fall. Good luck! I'm a Box Tops newbie.....we have only submitted twice now. Time got away from me and I missed the Feb. 29th sumission deadline. Is it possible to submit my Box Tops after the deadline? Will submitting before the deadline only insure that you get your check this school year?