We selected a theme for each grade. We have 4 classes per grade. Then, one parent per grade divided the items into baskets. We ended up with between 4-6 baskets this way and the teachers did not have to do as much except mention donations in their weekly letters home to parents. For donations we accepted items or money to purchase items.
In the past we've done classroom baskets and it was a successful fundraiser. However, teachers complained b/c they felt it took up too much of their time...so we moved on to something else.
Does anyone have any ideas to lessen teacher involvement so we can start this up again?
Our school has been doing a carnival every year and we started three years ago with the class room baskets. I find that sending frequent reminders to my parents offten will help. Also getting the teacher involved with the classroom to brainstorm ideas on the theme. But, I will tell you, every year I have a couple baskets that end up on the low side for items, and that is when we try bussiness donations.
Send a reminder out-- many parents probably thought they had time to send everything in. Now it's crept up on them and they still haven't sent the items in.
Also put all the themes in your reminder, maybe they don't want to purchase for their class theme but maybe for another theme they like.
We're having our first auction on April 18th. We're PK-2 with about 250 students. The classrooms have had their assigned themes for about a month and things are due by March 15th. How do I get people to buy things for these baskets. I picked themes that are cheap (Spiderman, Carwash, Pampering, etc) and some classes have 4-5 items but several have none at all. What can I do to get more response? We thought about a pizza party for the class with the highest selling basket but we have sooo many pizza parties for other things. TIA.