We did a fundraiser with Dutch Mills Bulbs in the fall. To be honest with you it can be done fairly easy if you have people involved to help you. In fact, Dutch Mills will seperate the bulbs by class if you complete the paperwork to do so. This is a great asset.
On thing we did is let people know they could donate bulbs to the school. We are a brand new school, so we were in need of some assistance in creating a better landscaping.
All in all, it wasn't a bad fundraiser, I jus think in this area people are very used to the same old-same old and that trying something new didn't provide us with as much bang for our buck as we expected.
Good luck if you do try it; the company was great to work with.
Does anyone have any experience with this company? We are thinking about using them for a spring fundraiser since our fall fundraiser fell a little flat. On paper it looks good, but I just want to make sure the product is good and the flowers will bloom.