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fundraising percentages

17 years 3 months ago #139070 by katscradle3
Replied by katscradle3 on topic RE: fundraising percentages
We have tried SEVERAL fundraisers in the past 16 years ranging from Walk-a-thons to catalog sales. Things have been tough since our local Board of Ed has instituted a NO FOOD OR CANDY SALE policy. The PTO budgets on the elementary level range from $18,000 to $32,000. (We have three elementary schools in town that have student populations from 400-500 students.) We budget for cultural activities, field trips, teacher grants, a 5th grade culmination dinner, awards for students who show good character traits, field day, reading awards, etc. On the middle school level we have close to 700 students, we budget about $32,000. Again, we contribute money to cultural activities, field trips, teacher grants, a principal account to be used as the administration sees fit for supplies/equipment for the school, school wide parties, PTO allocations toward the 8th Grade Washington DC trip, etc. The high school budget is leaner--only $7,000. This is for scholarships. We have never had a problem attaining our budget goals. For towns that can sell candy-Many people are willing to give a quick dollar for a candy bar in support of a school. At the high school, we sponsor 5 Bands for 5 Bucks--local students perform and the top band is selected by the audience; one day we allow students to pay $2.00 and they can wear pajama pants (within reason) to school; we are currently selling gift cards to several restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, etc. from Perk Works--with a percentage from each card going to the Parent Action Council. At the middle school level, we have always made at least $17,000. selling Yankee Candles. The candles are fresher than those purchased in the store because they are poured on demand. At the elementary level, one school has sponsored a "Duck Race" where families purchase rubber ducks with a number on the bottom....the numbered ducks race down a river in several "heats"....the first duck across the finish line wins and advances to the winners race. The last duck advances to the "lame duck" level. Very successful and lots of fun as families cheer for their duck. It is a day long event with different heats that lead to an overall winner and the "lame duck" award. Other field day type events occur throughout the day-- as well as-- arts and crafts, raffles, and refreshment stands. The second school sells beach towels and catalog items from Jeannine Fundraising who is very accomadating to Board of Ed rules and regulations. The company is very approachable and customizes catalogues to our needs. Again, the schools typically raise $17,000-$18,000 on this event. The Walk-a-thon typically raises between $10,000 and $11,000 a year. Students either obtain pledges for the number of laps they walk or flat donations. We also hold raffles, have a concession stand, and a dunking booth. We hire a local dj to keep the kids motivated and break for occasional contests. LOTS OF HEALTHY FUN! We have tried Entertainment books--but found it to be more work than it was worth. We also offer a Holiday Gift Shop in December--we purchase gift items on consignment and sell them for .25-.50 cents more. Although we don't make a huge profit--Students and families love the feeling of being able to purchase gifts for their family for less than $5.00! Hope this helps!

17 years 3 months ago #138937 by Critter
Replied by Critter on topic RE: fundraising percentages
I responded under the post titled "Critter" (that got my attention!). There's a summary of our fun run there.
17 years 3 months ago #138934 by katscradle3
Replied by katscradle3 on topic RE: fundraising percentages
How did you organize your fun run? I was talking with a company that did this type of fundraiser for schools, but they turned us down because we had to many children that are disadvantaged. I would like to try and organize it myself.
17 years 3 months ago #138898 by kellyu4
Replied by kellyu4 on topic RE: fundraising percentages
What is a fun run? Could you reply with some details?
17 years 3 months ago #138823 by my3strongtikes
We had our first fundraiser at the begining of Sept which was a walk a thon. We have about 500 students and 100 participated we raised about $3000.00 which is low compared to a catalog sale.
Our second funraiser goes out this week which is a holiday catalog/ wreaths and poinsettias. Which should do fairly well. We only do the two fundraisers.

On a personal note I was very sad with our walk a thon because so many of our parents have been saying they are sick of buying junk, but it just didnt show in the numbers with the walk a thon that this is true. I am curious to see how our catalog/ wreaths and poinsettias does.

I would say anything over 50% participation is awesome we don't usually get that.

Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>&quot;People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege.&quot;
17 years 3 months ago #138797 by CapeDad
Replied by CapeDad on topic RE: fundraising percentages
If we get more than 1/3 of students involved in any of our programs, it is considered a success.

Our catalog sale had about 50% this year.

If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down. <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
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