I would really appreciate the information too, my e-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks!
Hi please send me the information on how you started your cookbook. That is something we are looking into but as far as the binding we are undecided. We want to do GBC but don't want the book to last a while. Any feedback is appreciated.
I would love to do a cookbook at our school this year. However, no matter how hard I try to be "Super Mom", I can't do everything myself. We could do a lot more at our school if parents would just get up off the couch and pitch in!
We did a cookbook at our school last year. It was a great success. I typed all the information in myself and then we ran copies of the book on our school copier. E-mail me if you want me to e-mail you the forms that we used last year.