I've sent you an email but will share the text of one of our letters here as well...
Don't want to participate in fundraisers? Aren't interested in the products available? Not to worry, you can still contribute to the PTO's efforts to provide programs to the XXX students. Make a direct tax-deductible donation to the XXX PTO and your child will receive credit for participating in each of our fundraisers. The recommended donation is $50 per student, but any amount is welcome and appreciated. Please send your check, payable to the XXX PTO, along with the form below, in an envelope marked XXX PTO Opt-Out.
Also, your contributions qualify for company matching programs. Just send the paperwork and we'll take care of the rest.
Our PTO often gets asked by parents if they can just give a monetary donation instead of fundraising in the fall. We have not included this option in the past and would like to put a note in our fundraising cover letter. Does any have any samples of letters with the politically correct wording on this? I would really appreciate it. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..