I think a raffle is a good idea. While a go kart is cool it will probably not be desired by many of the girls. I would look for an item that would appeal to the masses. Maybe a Wii or something in the video game genre. It also depends on the grades you are catering too.
We could do the mum thing but our town has a "mum" festival around the same time so we'd be competing with the town on that one! That is a great idea to have them foiled though....I'm sure it really adds to the appeal in your sale!
We do really well with our fall mum sale. The come in a foiled pot. People can display them as is or plant them. Most people just put them on their porches or front steps etc..right in the pot it came in.
We did one 2 years ago and it didn't go over as well. Many, many families in my school have landscapers that do the lawn maintenance and professionally did their flower beds as well. So there isn't that many (like myself) that do it herself! What about cookie dough & pizza's? With Little League & other spring sports, schedules are really busy. It's great having that stuff in the freezer to pop in when you need a quick meal or treat for the kids. That went over well for years in our school. We used Corbi's
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