I would highly reccomend you use Empties4cash empties4cash.com
We have been using them for years and they are great. The company you are inquiring about gives you the option of cash or a reward catalog. They are giving more points for the reward program then for the cash. Just to give you two examples HP cartridge # C6657(57) & HP #C8728 (28).
Empties4cash will give you $4 for each of those. The funding factory offers you 4.0 points in the rewards program or only $1.60 cash for each of them. It's a big cash difference.
Empties also gives you all the shipping materials pre paid and pays you within a week of receiving your box. Also you can throw everything in the box they will sort it for you and get rid of anything that does not qualify.
Anyone have opinion/experience with Funding Factory? Received info today and am curious. Have been doing Cartridges for Kids and seems not making much money for ALOT of cartridges.