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Definition of PTO

19 years 2 months ago #76656 by kmamom
Replied by kmamom on topic RE: Definition of PTO
While I agree that The PTA is capable of doing wonderful things, just remember that "lobbying" has a very fine line to walk when it comes to 501(c)3s, and I can't see how The PTA keeps its nonprofit, tax exempt status with the IRS with all the lobbying it does. Tim? Can you shed some light on this--it's been bugging me and I can't seem to find the answers.

There are many who beg to differ about helping "ALL" the children--it seems there's some debate on who exactly is getting help and who isn't.

While I admire the intent of NCLB, it is a seriously flawed piece of work, and throwing yourself behind it 100% is not wise.

However, I think most of us involved in PTOs and PTAs are truly interested in our country's educational system and want what is best for it. Where we choose to show our support, either on a local or national level, is a personal choice--both are important, and if one fails so shall the other.
19 years 2 months ago #76655 by SAFin RI
Replied by SAFin RI on topic RE: Definition of PTO
Note: The PTA is a national advocacy group for ALL CHILDREN! Their lobists in Washington work hard for additional educational funding, and the requirement of parent involvement in the NCLBA!

Some feel that the "National Dues" (under $2) is not valuable. They do not feel a need for putting pressure on the government to fully fund their mandates.

While both PTA and PTO are active fundraisers for their schools; National PTA, and most States offer many opportunities for training and information on parenting and education topics.

I am a member of both organizations, and try to look objectively.
19 years 2 months ago #76654 by kmamom
Replied by kmamom on topic RE: Definition of PTO
Jennifer- Welcome to the boards!

PTO is an acronym for Parent Teacher Organization. So The PTA (Parent Teacher Association - a nationally recognized organization) is a PTO. In a nutshell it's a group of parents and teachers that work together for the benefit of a school and the children being educated there. By the nature of it's work it's usually recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit, tax-exempt group.

There are some major differences between PTOs and The PTA that have to do mostly with government policies and legislation.

Basically any PTO (inlcuding The PTA) is there to raise funds to spend them for the benefit of the school and the children and to work on solving common issues together.. There are many philiosphical differences on just how the monies should be raised and spent. Not just between PTOs and The PTA, but within each single group itself. It's up to each group to decide the fairest way too distribute and utilize the funds, though The PTA does have "guidelines" in how this should be done.

Hope that helps. Michigansupermom--pace yourself. If you keep it up at this rate your head's going to explode!
19 years 2 months ago #76653 by Renee S
Replied by Renee S on topic RE: Definition of PTO
PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO is to promote the welfare of children in the school & to provide a closer relationship between school & home. To promote educational awareness in the home. To support adequate laws for the care & protection of all students. To promote thru an educational program directed toward parents, teachers, & the general public & are developed thru conferences, committees, projects & programs. The PTO is there to provide support for the teachers & students.The PTO helps with costs of classroom supplies, field trips, playground equip., family fun nights, etc... I hope this helps. It would also help to establish by-laws. As you can see someone knows what their PTO is all about.
19 years 2 months ago #76652 by michigansupermom
Replied by michigansupermom on topic RE: Definition of PTO
As you can see no one knows!!!
19 years 4 months ago #76651 by JenniferPTOStress
Definition of PTO was created by JenniferPTOStress
Does anyone have a definition of PTO or maybe an outline of what a PTO is established for? Thanks for your help.
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