Interesting thought Tim but honestly not realistic. First off, in our council, dues are needed. Putting together the trainings isn't the biggest thing but rather, there is a cost to putting it together. That is unless you would expect volunteers like myself to pay for the copies that have to be run, folders, and while I'd be happy to be able to personally afford the gas to travel two hours to one of the schools in our region, I can't really afford it.
Plus, when they can't afford convention, we send them. Just a minute example of SOME of the costs incurred to help the PTAs in my area.
Then there is the uniformity. PTAs have a certain amount of uniformity. When a President calls needing help with something, it may not pertain to a PTO. Of course, again, as a volunteer on the council, I could spend even more time understanding the independent groups and all of the possibilities that come with it. Time with my family isn't really that important right?
Of course, in my district, we could just eliminate the Parent Facilitator's job too. We fought for years to have it become a district position in order to be able to help ALL groups and
be the "system" through which your super and administration connect with the organized parent groups.
but we know that a volunteer would be able to do a much better job right?
Just seems like you don't really understand the true function of a PTA council all the way around.
Realistically, what would have happened with the council is that the council would still exist. IT was really just a mass exodus organized by a few parents that obviously from the vote, didn't represent the whole of the members. Seems like they did the math and found the value. Shouldn't you rather be happy that they decided it worked for them???