You must get a new EIN#. When you disban you give that number up due to no longer belonging to PTA. I don't know where you live but I sent for the Articles of Incorparation (State) and the 501(c)3. We aren't this far yet. When you submit the
501(c)3 you must submit By-Laws. This is what we are currently working on. Yes, it is a lot of work this one time...but in the long run it will pay off! Perseverance!
Help! Our organization was a PTA then we voted to become a PTO. While we were a PTA we got our EIN#, our 501c3 status and became incorporated all under the PTA title. Now we are changing to a PTO and it has become a mountain of paperwork! Do we have to get a different EIN# or can we use our old one? The IRS has already told me that we must reapply for our 501c3 and pay the fee of $150. I have changed the name of our organization on the state level and for the incorporation part. Is there anything else that I should know about or does this pretty much cover it?