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National Board for PTO? State Specific Board? Does this exist?

5 years 5 months ago #173213 by Liz L
No, there isn't an overseeing board for PTOs. "PTO" is a generic term -- It usually represents groups that choose to remain independent. These are most often single-school or
district-level groups that operate under their own bylaws and by and
large concern themselves with the goings-on at their building or in
their town only. Popular acronym include PCC (parent communication
council), PTG (parent teacher group), and HSA (home and school
association); because PTO is the most common name, we use it generically
to refer to all non-PTA school parent groups.
5 years 5 months ago #173202 by OneAndDoneMama
Hi. I know there is a National PTA Board so basically PTA Officers have people to answer to when issues come up and people who check on them to ensure they are indeed lawfully correct in all things, but is there one for PTOs? I can't seem to find one. Or is there a head State Specific Board? Like, for example, all PTOs in the state of New York answer to the NY State PTO Board if and when questions/conflicts arise. Thank you!
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