Hi Bea,
I thought it would be helpful to post a few links for you.
This chart provides an at-a-glance look at the differences between the PTA and PTO. This is one of the resources that Tim was referring to. Here's the link: www.ptotoday.com/pto-vs-pta-differences-at-a-glance
There are a number of other articles you might find helpful on this topic page that cover the basics on PTOs and PTAs and provide information on organizational, financial, and management issues.
Hi -- I assume you're referring to our PTO v PTA feature story. I actually wrote that. We've tried to make clear (I believe there is a full sentence right at the start of the story) that that story is now about 10 years old. When it was written, the national PTA was 100+ years old and HQ was in Chicago.
We think the key details of the story are the most important and remain true. In many cases -- the membership stats, for example, and the cost of membership -- the trend has been negative in the past 10 years (fewer members and more expensive membership).
We have several much more updated reference pieces in that same section of the website. Perhaps look at the "differences at a glance" section. That was pored over with a fine-toothed comb by multiple lawyers in the past year.
I was interested to learn more about a PTO. However, after reading some misinformation I felt like it was more propaganda than facts. The new PTA headquarters is in Virginia. You didn't mention that the new National President is the 1st African-American Male which boasts of diversity. PTA is a 115 years old not 105. I will study more about PTO, and hopefully the next time I return I hope to see more facts and not fiction.