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starting a brand new PTO?

17 years 8 months ago #132906 by pzettler
We had the principal present to run the first meeting to set thing up. Then we discussed things we wanted to see happen. We decided we didn't want to be a big fund raising machine, since we'd be competing with other established sports and clubs around the middle school. Then a discussion of who wanted to do what came up. After having talked to former PTO leaders, before a lapse of a year or so, I had decided I would agree to take any position available. After some discussion, we had a teacher suggest that certain people could do certain jobs. We voted and that was that. We still do not have bylaws at the end of our first year, but we've gotten a start on them thanks to a interested person who volunteered.

The areas, after the first year, in which we we most need improvement after the first year are these...

1) we needed to have a person who's sole interest is soliciting additional parents to sign up to be members of the PTO. This for us means having a child in the school and giving the PTO you name and a way to reach you.

2) having specific plans on when you will have opportunities to meet parent to gather their names and contact info

3) we needed a way other then email to communicate with parents, that does not involve postage ( can be very expensive), or sending flyers home with students ( Most never make it home.. either teachers don't pass them out or students don't give them to their parents)
17 years 8 months ago #132850 by EVPTO
Replied by EVPTO on topic RE: starting a brand new PTO?
Our school is in the process of revitalizing an essentially nonexistant PTO at our school. As the new president (and there was not one for years before me), I am trudging through new territory. I don't want to step on anyone's toes least of all our principal. However, I am not sure where my boundaries are. We are making decisions about budget and what to spend money on. We have granted money to teachers for certain projects. We are also planning an upcoming budget meeting. I have had and will have in the future multiple reasons to contact teachers including announcing our donations as well as our meetings. So far I have been relying upon the principal to relay this information to the school staff. I wonder if this is really necessary though or can I address the staff directly via email with our announcements and questions. I do not want to upset anyone or overstep my boundaries but the principal is busy enough without relaying the PTO agenda. So other presidents, how do you handle this?

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.<br />
<br> - John Ruskin
17 years 8 months ago #132829 by CTWalkerTMSPTO

NUTMEG;132814 wrote: Our school has decided to start a PTO. THe School office manager has organized the process. Tomorrow is election of officers. There are 2 up for most positions. The election process has not been identified. I hardly think this is a way to start an orgaization without having a plan on how to elect officers or even sending notice? How is this supposed to be done?


Actually, getting things started will probably be a little dicey initially without a structure in place and the school year ending it is understandable if the first election seems a bit crude and rushed. Make it your mission to make sure a structure is in place after the new officers are elected. Bylaws should be adopted that spell out the proper procedure for elections and what is an adequate time to notify the school parent/teacher body beforehand. Bylaws are annoying as they might be...they keep things moving and keep people honest for the most part. Procedure procedure. Suggest to your officers that they get the "Start Up Kit" on this website. I did.
17 years 8 months ago #132814 by NUTMEG
Replied by NUTMEG on topic RE: starting a brand new PTO?
Our school has decided to start a PTO. THe School office manager has organized the process. Tomorrow is election of officers. There are 2 up for most positions. The election process has not been identified. I hardly think this is a way to start an orgaization without having a plan on how to elect officers or even sending notice? How is this supposed to be done?
17 years 9 months ago #132562 by CTWalkerTMSPTO
BJMANN or any others interested in the poll I used to send home with the students, just send me your email addie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with a fax number if you have one handy.

17 years 9 months ago #132553 by bjmann
Yes, I'd love to look at your informal poll. Thanks so much.
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