Actually, newyorker, you're reading things just a touch wrong.
You don't need a state rep there to "start a PTO"; you need (or they say you need) a state rep there to "dissolve your PTA". Those are two different things. You could start a PTO at any time with no PTA involvement /notification/anything.
Technically, you're not taking a vote to turn your PTA into a PTO, even though that's what it seems like you are doing. There is no connection whatsoever between your current PTA and what may be your new PTO.
We are presently a PTA and the majority of us would like to become a PTO. Our bylaws state that we need to announce this, have a presentation at a meeting and invite a state rep to present their views on why we should remain a PTA. A vote would follow this meeting. Our bylaws also say that the state could take our assets, if we leave the PTA. I have read some discussions here saying the best thing to do is start a PTO -- spend from the PTA and fundraise into the PTO. When the PTA is bankrupt, dissolve it. How do we do this, though? We need to have a vote to start a PTO and the state says they must be there, if we do. If the state is alerted to what we're doing, will this work? I feel like I'm going in circles! Please help.