Our fundraising rep did a letter too. Unfortunately, it was full of typos and I thought that left a bad impression on our PTO. So, I retyped the whole thing and made it VERY detailed. I added some information that he had forgotten. Please, please...if you have your fundraising rep do the paperwork, look it over carefully BEFORE you send it out. We had quite a nightmare a few years back as the rep put another organization's info on the part of "Make Checks Payable To" You would not believe how many checks were made out to the wrong organization!! You can't really blame the parents because we are a Pre-K through Grade 2 school and a lot of these parents were new and didn't really question it. The following year is when I became ANAL and decided to put as much helpful information in the flyer. Also, I did follow up reminders as delivery day got closer. I have three children and work full time outside the home so I need all the "reminders" I can get. LOL [img]smile.gif[/img]
This is something our rep usually does for us. It states the start, end, and delivery dates of the sale. What the goal is and how the money will be used. Any special prizes or events involved. Acceptable forms of payment. Online information if applicable. At least 40% of our students are Hispanic and the majority have Spanish speaking parents and so we do the reverse side in Spanish as well.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
This is my first year as PTO president. We are having a fundraiser coming up soon. I need to attach a letter to the rundraiser catalogs explaining ever thing. Does any one have any ideas or samples of a middle school catalog fundraiser letter. PLEASE