We too were greated with a new Director (kinda like a Superintendent as we have 3 principals for our K-12 charter school) and toour surprise wanted....wanted to be involved and has really helped us with parental involvment. Our former Director was happy when no one besides staff and "approved" volunteers helped (so happy to know now I was "approved" aka liked.
)A year ago this very week began the
yuck we went through to see him leave our school and at that time we also elected a parent seated School Board (something in our charter) and I was encouraged to run for PTO President and run for School Board later (in 5 years).
This has been a whole new ball game and I am really hoping that I can serve another year as President. If anything I woudl love to finish so many programs and ideas we were given the okay on ...a very new concept for us!! Teh crazy part is my youngest is now 4!!! My oldest is in 8th grade so you can see, it's like my blood....not so much in it as it is!
When you go into your meeting please do this for me, listen and see what they can offer to help you work smarter, better and have some fun. Please use this time to use the words we,us,how can we help you, and never thought of that! In all these years the one thing I have seen the most is we all have the same goal....making our school the best it can be or even better!!