Our 8th Graders are working on such project and I was lucky enough to get some great advise from a Master Gardener through our County Extension Office aka state university office. She has been great with making sure we plant items native to our area and conditions.
I would start by going to your county name extension.org --worth a try!
Thanks, we are going to find some in the surrounding counties that we can go look at. If anyone has one of these on their website let me know so we can check it out.
Have you seen the Lowe's Outdoor Classroom Grant????
Hi sorry-I missed your question until you bumped this up again. Unfortunately our plans are not "attachable" so I cannot forward anything to you right now. If we ever get them on the website I'll let you know. I suspect we're looking at 10k when it is all said and done. But that is with professionals doing the work...so we'll see. I'll let you know...d
I'm bumping this up again gals. I'm really interested in doing an outdoor classroom for our k-4 school. I have no idea where to start. We are currently looking into the Lowe's Outdoor Classroom Grant. Any thoughts or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Don't have one yet but we're fundraising toward that goal. We had a local nursery draw up the plans and we are having our "Carnival - Fit for the Quads" this June to help fun. We have a round center stage and several benches in a half circle so the teachers can either teach or hold performances or presentations out there. Simple non allergenic landscaping and handicap accessible are a couple of the features. Just have to find the right guys to do the work and we'll be all set...! d