Like Renee said, you need to make sure that you have By-laws. This is very important because these are basically your foundation for a good group. Then, if things are ever questioned you can refer them to the by-laws. Robert's Rules can help you out on that! Let me know if I can be of assistance. My email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Also, as far as your big project. Check into your local businesses. We have a few where I live that do "matching" programs where they match what you make or vice versa. Also, chcek into Lowe's (if you have one near you,if not go to their website), they are doing grants for jsut parent groups. it will help. We do an auction as our major fundraiser and we make very good money on it. Of course we didn't make the kind of money you are talking about all at once but we did our playground in groups--a little at a time.
Hope this helps.
You need an agenda, a game plan, by-laws, budget.... You can email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a copy of my by-laws. Good luck!
I am the new president for our local school district PTO. After joining I have found that our PTO group does not have anything i.e. bylaws, records of the groups past actions, nothing for me to start with. I have been doing my best to continue our aid to the school this year, however this is one big mess for our very little school and hand full of PTO helpers. Any and all information on how I can turn this group around would be wonderful. To boot we have a $75,000 PLAYGROUND project to get done, family actives to start we have none. You name it we need to get it started!