For the past two weeks we have been trying to get a hold of the treasurer who has all the checks and our records (financial records is all we have, the past board had no notes or anything). She was re-elected in May but due to budget cuts and low number of students in her area she may not be hired back. A SBDM member told me they thought they would get the numbers but I am getting mixed signals. Some of us had to spend out of pocket for the Back to School Bash and Open House. I informed the treasurer through email that I would need to purchase several supplies for the Open House. Still no answer. The school secretary helped me find what bank we used and I had to go get temp checks and become a signer. I am not comfortable with this. I want no part of the treasury. It is way to difficult. I admire anyone who can do it but I am not one of them. Our meeting is in two weeks. I am told we should elect someone else for treasurer, in the mean time, it looks like I am acting treasurer. I am about to have a nervous breakdown. This lady also said she wanted to work on her bylaws. I've told her I wanted to meet with her to help her on those this summer. School starts Monday. I don't know if she has worked on them or not. I want to apply for our 501(c)3 ASAP. How long will that process take? This is the school and the PTO's 2nd year in operation. Needless to say alot needs to be done.
The bulletin board did not get done either. I am terrible with those things. Our first Open House was last night. I was not happy. There was alot of disorganization on my part. Being pres again is not like rididng a bike. I am so rusty. We have given out our info packets at the Bash and there. I feel like there are many parents who have not received this info. I do not know how the teachers deal with handing things out for us. In fact I know nothing about how the teachers feel about anything. I am supposed to talk to them Friday. Hopefully I will get a better idea of what goes on. Keep your fingers crossed for me. We did have a few people to sign up for PTO last night. Signing up and showing up are two very different things. I know for sure one will help. I am hoping the others will too. I will be asking them for help. LOL!!
Thanks for listening. I am sure it will get better soon.