There is no easy waay of controlling this, I would just recommend enforcing strict office guidelines and giving them knowledge about safety as well as their health. Perhaps wearing a bracelet would help them make the step towards quiting or using them to raise money to build a smoking shelter, these are just some ideas I'm not sure of what the correct answer would be.
It would be nice if we found a fast and effective way to help those individuals just quit smoking.
Here's what bus drivers did to remedy their non-smoking on school grounds problem. They walked across the street, off of district property and all had smoking parties while standing there next to a bush, telephone pole, whatever was handy (trying to hide behind it). It looked absolutely crazy in blizzards and lightening storms. It didn't end here. After the heat was put on them by parents/admin that this looked REALLY bad, to everyone driving past the various district properties and also the children that all got a full view, they now stop their busses at local store parking lots (gas stations/major chain store pkg lots, where ever their is a pkg lot that suits them) between their bus runs and have their smoking parties there.
Isn't that clever?
And they wonder why sometimes they loose support from parents/taxpayers???
My jaw still drops when I see this happen--lit cigarettes at a gas station. Just don't sound right to me...
Perhaps these people could be included in a program of this type. They obviously are acting like children of the age of which this program is targeted.
We are a supplier of awareness and prevention products for educational, community and non-profit organizations. Our company's staff cares immensely about our youth and helping them make positive decisions. We are planning on establishing our own youth foundation within the next 12-16 months and would like begin partnering with educational institutions to help promote positive and inspirational messages to their students.
Some of our popular products are geared towards the Red Ribbon Week campaign along with World No Tobacco Day and Prom Promise. We would really like to get in touch with those who are resposible for making the purchasing decisions for their districts and PTO/PTA associations.
Can anyone offer any advice about as to how to proceed with this?
I look forward to your response, have a great day!