The first year our Learning Center (also known as the Early Childhood Center) started my son was in pre-k. It consisted of 3 pre-k classes with about 60 kids. I helped start the PTO there and became vice pres. It was alot of fun! At the time I felt that it was a sink or swim situation and the board of ed was waiting for our director to make a mistake where they could cut the funds. BUT we ended up raising over $2000.00 in about 4 months and the board ending up matching the funds!
We never used the term "Learning Center", but our K-1 school has one of the most active PTO's in our district: 501c3, full slate of fundraising and programming, many active members, very formal. At this grade level, specifically, we have lots of "new" parents eager to get involved.
Please help! Our school district is thinking of going to Learning Centers (non-traditional 2 year schools pre-k and k, 1-2 grade, 3-4 grade in 3 separate buildings) Do any of you have Learning Center concept going on? How do you get parent's involved in a school/PTO that there child will only attend for a maximum of 2 years?
Any info /suggestions will be appreciated-Thanks ! :confused: