I guess I would try to look at it from a positive angle. I would hope that your PTO leadership would thank this lady for being involved and always ready to step up and help. An option would be to tell her that she is so enthusiastic about helping that your board wants to put her in charge of something like "volunteer recruiter." If she is so enthusiastic about helping, then ask her to share her enthusiasm with others. I bet that would keep her busy and happy. Maybe she just feels underutilized? You guys need to get her plugged-in to the right place. Everybody wants to feel useful and appreciated! I bet she could be a positive help and recruit bunches of new volunteers. Appreciate volunteers and thank them, don't push them away! Good luck!
This lady cannot do anything without the boards approval.
Do you have other people who are willing to form committees and be chairpeople? If so put them in place. She can complain and cry all she wants, the bottom line is she has no authority or power to do anything and your PTO board will be foolish to let her think she does.
There is nothing you can do about stopping her from running against you in April. If she runs and doesn't win then maybe that will get her to back off.
But in the meantime you & your board need to take control of the situation.
I am new to the PTO this year. We have a lady on our PTO that likes to be in charge of everything. She has been a problem all year trying to stop anything that she doesn't like and force her ideas on everyone. She keeps trying to form commitees for everything. The committees are usually made up of her and her 2 friends. My question is can she do this without the boards approval. She is not an excutive member. I am getting really frustrated with her. She is now talking about running against me for my position in april because she can't give up control. Any advice on how to deal with her would be great.