We give away snowcones and popcorn--both from machines which the PTO owns, so it doesn't cost us much. The kids are encouraged to bring water bottles from home, and I think they bring sack lunches for that day and picnic on the school grounds, although I'm not sure about that.
We ask parents to donate large bottles of Gatorade for field day. Parent volunteers pour the Gatorade into plastic cups all morning for the kids to drink during breaks. At the end of the morning, kids get ice cream from an ice cream truck (paid for by the PTO) which comes to the school. Each child gets a ticket to be turned in for an ice cream of their choice.
Our field day is combined with our spring picnic ...field day is in the morning before lunch then PTO sponsors the picnic in the afternoon while the 6th grade plays softball against the teachers/staff.
We provide cotton candy, popcorn, freezer pops and then a drink. Along with a drink, we have water coolers so that if the weather is very warm and the students have already finished their drink, they can have water.
EVERYTHING is free! Students are given a punch card so that they only get one of each snack/drink then water is available as much as they want.
For our field days we supply to all the kids: a juicebox, an icepop, a bag of chips and a tootsie roll lollipop. We used to do watermellon but it was too messy and the kids had too much to eat! The kids bring a sandwich and have lunch picnic style with all the classes after field day on the field.(weather permitting of course)
We often do sno cones too. One year there were watermelons from the lunchroom. We also have a school wide cookout, which has been combined with Field day a few times. For our cookout the PTO purchases soft drinks.
If you have a Little Debbie's distribution center near you, they will donate enough snacks to cover every student, every volunteer, and all staff members. All they require is a letter on letterhead. We also get a local bottled water company to donate water and tanks, as well as cups. Sparkletts, Culligan, etc. need to be contacted at least one month prior to the event and also require a letter.
We never charge. Field Day is a school-wide event. It really shouldn't matter what a family's income is to participate. We find that well-to-do students and less fortunate students all experience thirst and hunger on Field Day. A small snack and a glass of water that are provided free to us seems to do everyone a bit of good.
Quick Note: Little Debbie's provides snacks all year round. They provide free snacks to the school nurses at the beginning of the year; they provide free snacks during testing weeks; they provide free snacks for Field Day; again, all it takes is a letter...