If you click over on the left on the FAQ and useful resources sections, you'll find lots of great info to get you started. What you really need, though, is to join the National PTO Network (NPN). The materials are fabulous, and they spell out all the steps you need to take in plain English. When we got our group started, I shelled out the fee from my own pocket, and never regretted it for a minute--it saved so much time and energy that I thought it was a bargain.
we are a new school in chicago and want to start a pto and I have just being appointed chairperson for the pto. What do I do, where do I start? :confused: We will be having our open house on 9/29 I am thinking I will need some flyers to hand out to parents informing them we would like to start a pto. Help
ppeaches This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.