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Survival Bags

10 years 7 months ago #166091 by Rose H
Replied by Rose H on topic Re:Survival Bags
HI Mrs. Peavy,

You can do survival kits like this one we recently designed for teachers but can easily be converted for parents:

The previous posts in this thread (even though they are several years old!) also have great ideas.

Here's another suggestion I found on the site that was posted by a community member. This is for a volunteer survival kit, but, again, it could be adapted for parents:

"As a new volunteer for the PTO [or other organizational name], here are a
few things to help you "survive" the experience!

Toothpick -- to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.

Rubber band -- to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the
way you want, but it will work out.

Band Aid -- to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's.

Eraser -- to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it is okay.

Chewing Gum -- to remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish

Mint -- to remind you that you are worth a mint.

Candy Kiss -- to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug every day.

Tea Bag -- to remind you to relax daily & count your blessings. "

You can use any type of container/bag to hold these items...a small bag tied
with a ribbon, a small gift box, etc.

Hope this helps!
10 years 7 months ago #166078 by mrspeavy
Replied by mrspeavy on topic Re:Survival Bags
I am looking for ideals for our open house event. I would like to raffle off parent survival kits to those parents who return their parent survey forms back that day. Any ideals would be appreciated.
20 years 6 months ago #71599 by lovetosellslah
Replied by lovetosellslah on topic RE: Survival Bags
thanks a bunch!
20 years 6 months ago #71598 by KESPTO912
Replied by KESPTO912 on topic RE: Survival Bags
Kinder Survival Kit

Cotton Ball - To remind you that your room is full of soft, warm feelings and words.

Golden Thread- to remind you that friendship ties our hearts and minds together

A Chocolate Kiss- to remind you that you are loved and will make you feel better when you are sad.

An Earaser- to remind you that it is OK to make mistakes... that is the best way we learn.

A Shiney Star- to remind you to shine by trying to do your very best every time.

A Bandaide- to remind you to help hurt feelings in yourself, as well as your friends around you.

A Rubber Band- toi remind you to put your arms arround another person everyday and share a hug.

A Toothpick- to remind you to "pick out" only the good qualities in others, as well as yourself.

A Sticker- to remind you that we all stick together in this room and always help each other.

A Penny- to remind you that you are very special ands valuable and there is not another one just like you.

A Birthday Candle- to remind you that we are going to celebrate learning things this year. (Every time a candle is lit someone is celebrating something)
20 years 6 months ago #71597 by mum24kids
Replied by mum24kids on topic RE: Survival Bags
Here's what we used last year for teachers. I want to say that they cost maybe $0.55-$0.60 per teacher to put together. The candy is the most expensive part of it.

Teacher survival kit contents:
Mounds candy bar - for the mounds of information you teach
Peanuts - to remind you to get a little nutty now and then
Lifesaver - for when you've had one of THOSE days
Rubberband -to remind you to be flexible -- things might not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out
Rick Rack - to remind you that this year will be full of ups and downs, but eventually everything will smooth out
Wiggly Eyes - for when you wish you REALLY did have eyes in the back of your head
Animal Crackers - for when your classroom seems like a zoo
Jingle Bell - you can ring for help if you need it
Smiley Face Stickers - to remind you to wear a happy face -- here's one for when it seems difficult
Hole Reinforcers - to remind you to reinforce the efforts of your students and other teachers
Toothpick - to remind yourself to pick the good qualities in your students and yourself
Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes. That's okay; we learn by our errors.
Buttons - to remind you that some things are best left unsaid
Tissue - so you can dry the tears of a wounded child
Paper Clip - to help you hold it together when everything seems to fall apart
20 years 6 months ago #71596 by lovetosellslah
Survival Bags was created by lovetosellslah
I am looking for ideas for Kinder/Parent Survival Bags AND for teacher survival kits. Any help would be appreicated...
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