You know, our principal (who's just starting her 2nd year at our school) just mentioned to me the other day that she is SO impressed with how the PTO and our teachers work TOGETHER because we both focus on the main goal, OUR CHILDREN! she said she's never been to a school where every teacher has the children as their #1 priority.
I, myself, have never been treated with anything but kindness from our teachers and instead of interupting their classrooms, I send them notes in their mailboxes.
I see the other side all the time though . . .we have many parents who tell everyone that they volunteer for the kids and that everything they do is for the kids, BUT . ..I see a completely different side of them once it's all said and done. I've never seen so many parents (even one's on the committee, one is even a grandparent who's on the committee)act so childish about anything and everything.
We used to have a book cart that volunteers ran, TOTALLY FREE for the kids. Once a week the children were able to check out these books and the following week, they'd return them for another. Each cart was set up grade accordingly.
Well, last year, we had a challenge with students participating in the AR program and many of the older students didn't even make it to phase 1 (which is usually just one book). When our principal questioned the teachers, they mentioned that they would prefer having the books in their classrooms vs. being checked out and taking time out of their day once a week. Teachers complained that they HAD NO books in the classrooms for the students to read. So our principal disbanned the book cart and divided the books among the teachers.
Well, one parent is fighting this tooth and nail to at least keep the bookcart for the kindergartners . . .and to be honest with you, I'm a little embarrassed because she's told me the reasoning behind this . ..she wants her 3yr old in the kindergarten classroom at least one day a week????? I've kept quiet about it, I usually do because sometimes it's a lose/lose battle so why bother.
Anyway, I had another parent tell me that another parent was upset because a new program she was heading was completely different from what the principal told her it would be. This parent said to me "I told her to talk to you and have you talk to the principal because you're the only one that has a good relationship with the principal"??????? That threw me for a loop????? This parent still hasn't come to me about it but you know if she does, I'm just going to encourage her to talk to the principal herself about how she feels.
Our principal and our teachers want to work together but when the fight isn't over until you finially win, they tend to not even want to work with you in the future.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that we all have to remember, sometimes they see only the "staff" side of things and we only see the "parent" side of things. If you work together, there's always a happy medium. And as I stress to my children ALL THE TIME, it's not always WHAT you say, it's the words your use and the TONE you say it in. If you start off with a defensive tone, the teachers and staff will remember that and tag you as a "problem" parent/parent group.