Local children's & regular hospitals often have community education specialists that will teach a class.
Local dentist may do a class or exhibit on dental care.
Local police could visit with McGruff, K-9 unit, bomb squad (with survaillance robot demo), motor cycle unit, swat team and of course a squad car (you can see what it's like in the back).
Fire trucks are fun to explore.
It's pretty easy to get a realtor or insurance agent to give away free water bottles.
Local tv station may cover or help sponsor the event.
Child ID groups are easy to find.
Local insurance agent may have a safety presentaion. I found one that had a set of movies, a wheel of fortune that you could win prizes and said he could arrange to get an officer in a McGruff costume.
Army corps of engineers and the National forest service have water, recreation and forest fire classes they can do. They also have a junior ranger program.
Red cross can offer CPR and other classes for a fee to students.
Police and fire departments usually have classes they will do for free about safety.
Local blood banks can often have a 2 bed blood drive and a class for kids on blood.
Classes can be suplemented with free publications:
Coloring and activity books provided by any of the above.
NICHD Information resource center -
1-800-370-2943 They have milk matters booklets. The ones I liked were "Milk Matters with Buddy Brush" and "Milk matters for Your Child's Health"
To request a consumer information catalog for 200+ free or cheep publications:
write Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado 81009 or look online
I believe you can order multiples if you write.
Another good site for publications, posters and activity books is:(drug free)
National Eye Institute
"See All You Can See: Activity Book" for Ages 6 to 8 & "Wild about Healthy Vision: Activity Book" for Ages 9-12
National Center for Exploited and missing children - 8 rules of safety posters- first 50 free plus they have a catalog of other publications - 1-800-843-5678
CDC - smoke free posters w/ Boys II Men and Christy Turlington - 1-770-488-5705 (allow 4 weeks)
Alcohol and Drug free clearing house - call for catalog - 1-800-729-6686
That's all I can think of for now. As you call people they can refer you to other programs; just ask.
Have fun.