We, too, have put in two playgrounds ( one in each school), overhauled the basketball courts/new equipment and repaving, library automation upgrades, etc.. major things. We also offer "mini grants" where the teachers submit requests on a form we provide. If a teacher needs something, they submit the request and it is put on the agenda at the next meeting. It is talked about (the need, cost, who would benefit, etc..) and then voted upon. We give lots of grants out during the course of a year. I recommend it highly. Has always worked for us. I also, keep a database on all minigrants requested, by whom, for what, if it was approved or rejected (rarely happens) and how much the total cost of the grant was. This way we have a point of reference as to what was requested when, etc...
As a PTO, our has spent the last 5 or 6 years revamping our playground equipment and school grounds.
As PTO president, I would like to propose to our general membership turning our focus to inside the school. I am considering replacing/adding classroom computers. But I have also had the idea to offer a grant program to the teachers. Possibly several grants worth $500-$1000 dollars each. We would consider requests for curriculum or instructional materials that would expose our students to something new. (i.e. computer software and hardware that would allow kids to make "real life" newscasts, a foreign language curriculum, etc.) My vision is the teachers submitting grant requests to the PTO and then we would vote on them as funds are available.
I am wondering if any of our schools have tried a similar program. If so, how did it work? Or, if anyone has suggestions or ideas I would love to hear them!