I may be coming in late in this topic but there are a few perks that can be mentioned, and don't cost a thing.
1. I get a heads up on upcoming events, and can "clear" my schedule months in advance, if needed.
2. Our school assemblies are not open to parents, but as a PTO board member I go to "report" on them and take photos.
3. The staff knows me, and therefor knows my kids. They know what is "normal" and "abnormal" behavior with them.
4. I get to know the staff, and feel I can have honest and open discussions with them.
5. I see the pride on my son's face, and hear it in his voice when, when he sees me in the hall.
6. I get to know the kids in the school, the good, "bad", shy, misunderstood. The ones I want my kids to play with. The ones I would keep close tabs on.
7. An emense feeling of accomplishment and joy when I realize that I do make a difference, not only in my children's lives, but their friends, and the children that will attend our school someday.
8. Will my kids get "the best" teacher? I don't know, but so far my son has gotten "the best" for him. (I do not make any requests and I purposely avoid knowing what each teacher's reputation is, because so often it is wrong)
Am I on a soapbox? No, I don't think so because I could also list the pitfalls that go along with these and other perks. The beds aren't always made before lunch, laundry sometimes piles up, my daughter doesn't like my "meetings", I don't sleep the month before school starts because I'm stressing over what I "need" (in my own mind) and want to get done, I don't like stepping on other peoples toes...
I'm sure you all have the idea and could add to this.