Some of those might work. What I'm looking for are ideas to bring into the neighborhood as most of the kids described are home alone. (So nothing requiring transporation.)
I've even thought about forming a club of parents of this age, each family planning one activity or class per week. We could probably get space at the local library or community center, which most kids could walk to. And each of us could take a vacation day now and then. At least they would have one organized activity per week.
For instance, offering a babysitters' certification course might be of interest to this group. But what other activities (besides sports) might be good? I need ideas that would be interesting to the kids and require minimal/inexpensive supplies.
I'm also looking for some supplemental online coursework for this age group.
This isn't a PTO/PTA question, but as parents - maybe some of you have ideas...
Most of our local camps, summer programs serve the younger kids through age 11 or 12. Some of us with "latchkey" tweens and younger teens are looking for ideas this summer.
We live in a neighborhood that has its own library, 2 pools, and nice park system. But most of us work outside the home, and there's a limit to how much we are comfortable with the kids being on their own.
I'd appreciate any ideas for activities, classes, or volunteer work for this age.