I too have been in this PTO thing for awhile now and feel comfortable with our money being held by the school. Now, please hear me out. We have yet have moneys stole, mismanaged, or taken from us. We are all (school, PTO, accounting) that this is money the PTO raises and money we are to spend. Plaese remember there is also an accountablitiy factor that works into this. The school is accountable to the PTO membership.
Yes, it's a pain in the
to get money and we recently were able to get a credit card for purchases that the school pays with our account.
You have alot to think about as we do everytime a new member joins and asks all the questions you have.
Pros...we don't worry about a checkbook being handled
...deposits are made to the school's Accts Recievable person. No one has to go to the bank.
...we have a ledger AND the statement we get from the school
...we have a paid employee of the school handling the account, so if we do everything we need to do and there is still a mistake, it's on the employee.
...our books are audited with the school's - free!
...an easy three week wait to be reinbursed
...the paperwork
Just hear what they have to say and maybe this could be the time to find a way to work out conserns and issues to were a "contract" or agreement can be penned. Keep an opened mind.