Our "Holiday House" was formerly run by a volunteer, older, no kids in school, not a PTA/PTO member. She just did volunteer work at school. She ran an efficient shop. She oversaw the entire operation; picking a supplier, the first week when kids viewed what was for sale; the second week when they shopped. She had high school kids wrap gifts. She got volunteers and PTA/PTO members to sign up to volunteer a day/ half day or more. She kept inventory, ordered replacements, tallied monies and packed up at the end. All of it. We so appreciated her job that each year the Board voted in January to give her a gift certificate to a local store for her work. It was well deserved.
This past year however, she has had to leave volunteer work due to health matters. So this year the board had to pick a new supplier (Old one no longer acceptable). Our Parent Involvement Coordinator (a paid employee) solicited volunteers to put in time at the shop, both PTA/PTO members and school volunteers as a whole. Our school PTA/PTO president DID do set up, but not alone. I and another parent helped. She was not there several mornings, as she had "appointments". All volunteers who were volunteering the entire day were given lunch by the school. I myself volunteered 2 whole days, my choice. At one point, some popular items sold out, but Pres. did not order until after closing shop for the day, therefore they were not available the next day and store had to stay closed. After shop was done for season, Pres. and another parent DID pack up supplies leftover to be picked up. Even though i have been unimpressed to say the least at Pres. performance, i begrudingly admitted she did a lot of work on this, though not alone, and certainly not all like the former volunteer who ran shop. So imagine my surprise to find out at our last meeting that the Pres. and her two friends who worked a good part of the holiday house got $50 gift cards (same as woman who did the whole thing previkously)! The board never voted on this. No one but the recipients knew and the treasurer who thought it was a thing "we traditionally do". No so. It was only done for person who ran whole thing and was not a member of PTA/PTO. I think that anyone who is member of PTA/PTO and VOLUNTEERED their time as such should not be taking what is essentially money for their time. And I am also upset that it was never brought to the board for approval. I know nothing can be done now, but looking to next year when i will be Pres. (old Pres. voted out). I do not want to give gift cards or accept one myself for this work. Any thoughts on whether this was wrong and how it should be approached in coming year? I have nothing against a nice thank you such as some flowers,candy, etc. But money seems wrong.