foam trays here when I was in High school 10 years ago and foam trays in our school. I estimate from my sitting in the lunch area for all the lunches we have 16 bags of trash from lunch a day! outragous
Our school district (which is one of the largest in the country) also uses foam trays. I can't tell you how the decision was made or how long ago, because it's been at least as long as I have had a kid in it, which is about 5 years now.
Foam trays are whaat our school uses and it was decided without our knowledge also and some upset parents went to the Board and complained but where told it was a health and $ issue and it was what was for the best our school was also redone and the dishwasher removed so no hope of going back now!! I have to say the garbage is about the same though those kids make heaps of trash at lunch even the kids that bring form home! All is well now and we have adjusted.
We have just been made aware that our dishwasher will not be replaced in our school cafeteria. (we've been renovating all of this year). The School Board will vote Thursday evening on whether to go to all disposable foam trays. Currently the dishwasher is only used for trays and under renovation, the dish area will be turned into another serving line. The school administration didn't feel that this was a PTA or even a parent issue and that's why we weren't notified of the upcoming vote. I guess I agree but feel that it is indeed a county citizen issue. Where will all this excess garbage go? Apparently they are being told that this is the wave of the future. Are any of your schools out there using disposable trays? Was there any concern among the parents or the community? Any thoughts would be appreciated.