If they want to give more incentives to make people volunteer maybe they should try things like volunteer profiles in the local paper once someone does 50-100 hrs of volunteer time or whatever is a lot to normal people. ( Some of us do that much on one project ) Or give them a little plaque ($10-20). A volunteer appreciation lunch might be appropriate.
Locally people get recognized on tv if they volunteer for 10 hrs or more a week for decades. And then all they get is air time and a $50 gift certificate.
It is valuable to make people feel appreciated but not at the expense of others.
Just out of curiosity, this isn't the same group that keeps the booksale perks for themselves and their friends is it?
I think I can fill several positions at once! I know I could be the prez and veep (been there, done that...lol). I could probably take the minutes while running a meeting as well. I'm not sure I could do the books at the same time, but would be willing to try for that kind of cash!
Let's see, $250 X 4 positions = a greedy metzymom!
Seriously, it is Way Over The Top!. There is the top, a hundred miles, and then the idea of personal gain for volunteering...
Puh-leeez--WAY over the top! Who do they think they're kidding? It's called volunteer work for a reason! No one MADE them be an officer, and they can always step down if it's so troublesome. If you're a tax-exempt group, the parent of any kid NOT getting a "scholarship" could trot out the fifth article on page 20 of IRS publication 557; distribution of assets, and no part of the net earnings going for the benefit of any members, trustees or officers, or other private persons(can you tell we just filed our 1023?), and make things very ugly. And, as it's been said, who decides to whom the money goes? Possible conflict of interest here? I'm sorry, but if they want to get people to join the ranks or "reward" people for all their hard work, I'm sure everyone on these boards can think of a lot of better ideas than this one!
I personally don't like it. I do understand how much time board members put in (I am one), but no one makes you be on the board. It is your choice. I do it to be involve with my childrens school and to be knowledgeable about what is going on. My children say it makes them feel good that I do things for their school.