We have never charged to play before and have always purchased all the prizes ourselves and did raffles for lunch tickets and such. This year we have no funds (someone cut them out of the budget, scrooge!) so we are in search of an alternative way and a donation of a dollar store toy to play was suggested by someone on this site and we are looking into it!
I live in Indiana....here for a bingo night if you expect to make under $3000 you have to fill out a special form with the Charity Gaming Commissions, if its over $3000 you must get a license from them. Also anyone under 18 is not allowed in the room what so ever.
Basically, if whether or not you are making them pay in order to play is the issue. So if you are selling the bingo cards or making them pay an entry fee, then you need to look into your state's laws.
If they can play for free, and you have other optional activities going on that cost (i.e., candy sales) then I doubt you would have any problem.
Questin, what if we didn't charge for the bingo cards, but just for the candy. Have every donated and when you win,(bingo) you get the prize not money
Or would that be just like selling bingo cards? Also thanks I'm going to look into my state, I figure it will be yes because were in a gambleing state.
I don't know what state you are from because the rules are different but a free bingo night could never be challenged! Charging for the cards on the other hand could require a license or permit.
Our school wants to do a Bingo night, it will be our first and we are excited. I told today that we couldn't do it because it was illegal. Do we need to get a permit? Is this true, can we make it free and just sell candy? Please adivse, we are going to have it in March.