Can you ask for a meeting with the PTO Board and Principal before the general meeting as there maybe issues that they don't want to air out infront of the rest of the membership (and you might not want either.)
The more I think about this I hope it's not a crazy rumor that is causing this. :confused:
I agree that it's not right if the Principal says "I don't like you, you are releaved." and all you have done is wear purple! There is something more here and a cool, calm, I need to talk to you meeting is needed. If possible, off school site. Why? It would be easier to talk, just talk. Two, keep things neutral. I don't know about you, but I'm 34 and still feel like a little girl when I walk into her office!
The crazy part is, someone always thinks they know more than the other person and that might be the case. Did you read my post about President banned from school...I should introduce you two! This sounds so similar to what happened to her. Well, kinda but anyway it came down to a letter a parent had written that was full of more bologna than a meat case!
Call 'em. Wave a white flag, I have one you can borrow, and let them know you want to talk....