I was horsing around on the web and found an excellent web site for this. www.firstday.org
I found it today, copied it and ran it to school. I am very excited about it and hope the principal is too.
We don't do a first day like you mentioned except we do have breakfast goodies for the teachers and staff. We do kick of the year with a Back to School BBQ. This takes place after the first full week (for us it's a week and a half after school starts) and it's a BBQ for the entire school community. The PTO and the Board provides the main food and drinks and we ask all participants to bring dessert. My board implemented this last year and it was a huge success. :cool:
I just received the PTO today magazine. In it has an article about the First Day. Has anyone ever heard of this or has anyone ever done anything special for the first day of school. One school did welcome banners, teachers and parents waving and greeting in the hallways. They did bagles and juice in the cafateria. Then they had an hour long assembly. Does anyone do this or have done this. Just looking for more idea. We are a small school and just starting a PTO for next school year. Please help!