Have you asked your local print shop? We have a local print shop print our raffle ticket,and they use our tickets as advertising."Printed by".We save on printing.
We've sent home six ticket home with each child and send it with an envelope so that the ticket stubs and money come back together. WE give each teacher a large envelope and they drop it off in our mail box.
hope this helps.
You could probably just type somethimg up in word or whatever word processing program you have and then copy them on card stock paper. I don't know what part of the US you are in, but if you have a Price Chopper near you, they will print up to 500 raffle or admission tickets for a non-profit per year.
I am doing a raffle with our leftovers from our auction this year. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a program that lets you make and print your own raffle tickets? Also, has anyone found the perfect way to conduct the exchange of tickets/money through the school?