Geez--we are all amazing on the same page on so many things. I just did a parent survey with similar question. Would you rather just donate a tax ded. amt. to pta instead of buying and selling fundraisers? I also plan on adding a "blurb" to all future fundraiser with the exact same option you just spoke about. By the way. Your wording sounds fine to me. You may want to mention that you will send them a receipt with the amount donated and your tx id#.
Not only does 100% go to the school, but if you are a 501(c)(3) organization it is a tax deductible contribution. In a 30% tax bracket, the PTO gets the whole dollar and Uncle Sam gives you back 30¢ next April 15th.
Some people claim you can deduct the profit portion of the fund raiser. They are wrong. You would only be able to deduct that part that is over reasonable market price, and the catalog price is considered a reasonable market price.
Looking for ideas on how to put together a letter for parents telling them that they can either support our fundraiser, or simply send in a check. Would like them to know that 50% is received from fundraising company, but 100% of check goes to school.