Speaking of bookmarks. Those plastic/vynyl window blinds make great bookmarks. I bet you could collect quite few of them from parents and have the kids paint them with 5o year anniversary slogans.
Our school recently celebrated its 40th birthday and someone made laminated bookmarks. Attached to the bookmark was an acorn from the tree that was planted when the school was opened.
THANKS PARENTS SO MUCH for all the ideas. In September I will be the new president for the PTO and when I found out about the 50th birthday I didn't know where to start. Now I have a place to start and I couldn't be happier. But please keep sending in the ideas I could use lots more
Our school is only five years old but I was able to order a flag that was flew over the US Capital on the same day as our charter was signed. Now this took some planning (our charter was signed in April) so I had to make the request/order a good year in advance. The flag was less than $30 and you get a certificate of authenticity and the date it was flown. Love it!
Love the time capsule idea but on a funny note, another school in our district did this in the 70's and they recently opened it to celebrate their birthday only to find EVERYTHING RUINED! The seal on the container wasn't air tight! HAHA!
Our school will be 50 in 2007, so I'm "lurking" on this thread.
I did read where a school put together a memory book to sell (sold sponsor/advertising space to pay for it). Inside the memory book was a list of all the principals, what things cost back then (i.e. a loaf of bread, a jug of milk, etc).
Also, check your local historical society for help (if you have one).
Better get going on this now. These things take at LEAST one year to put together and should really be a separate "reunion" committee.
Check your local high school for volunteers to help (there has to be some that went to your school)
How about making a time capsule at the 50 year mark to be opened on the 100 year mark? What the world is like now (o.k. - that might frighten some people now) and what is going on in the school. A blank report card, standardized tests, a picture of the principal and a schoolwide photo, just some thoughts to feed off of. When our new school opened this year we burried one to be opened on the 25 year anniversary of the school.
Also - how about planting a tree and putting a plaque up to commemorate the 50-year anniversary. Maybe a nursery would donate a 50-year-old tree??????