I understand the principal's concerns as well. However, I don't understand why a parent volunteer could not act in an supervisory capacity just like a playground aide would. The only difference, that I can tell, is that one person is voluntarily contributing their time and one is receiving minimum wage. I appreciate your feedback. If I'm missing something here please let me know.
In the beginning of the year, we are asked to fill out a volunteer form with just enough info for them to do a quick background check. If the school is understaffed, then they should find a way to incorporate volunteers into the system. Talk to the superintendant and/or school board. The schools also get extra funding with so much volunteer hours. I'm not sure of specifics, but we keep a log of volunteers in our school office.
Our Principal through the School Improvement Team is trying to create Parent Volunteers to "teach" playground games to the children. The Parent's are being recruited not as supervisory positions, but as helpers in teaching games. We have a mom who has taken this project on and has volunteers to go to the school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's. They have created "Playground Clubs" where they will help the children learn the basic rules of some favorite playground games. That way, they are really not there for supervising, but are keeping a good group of children busy so that the Aides can supervise the rest. The hopeful is that the children will want to play those games and teach other children how to play and not just play "chase".
I have to agree with your principal regarding the over stepping of boundaries. One parent's way of correcting a child may be very different then another's. It could just get really messy. I don't like having to think that way, but unfortunatly, you never know what a child is going to go home and say about another adult. And their parent may not understand and create a scene.
Just my opinion.
I'm a new poster and I've been motivated to join your ranks for the following reason. My daughters school district forbids volunteer parents from interacting with the students at recess time. I met with the principal and her immediate supervisor today and the reason they gave me was that there isn't enough staff supervision on the playground to monitor a parent's activity. A parent might say or do something that another parent and/or child would feel was innapropriate. For ex: If I saw a child throwing snow and I told them that's against the rules I would be wrong for correcting a child that is not my own. In other words I've overstepped my bounds as a volunteer.
What are your experiences with volunteering at school? Are you allowed on your childs playground?