Our group calls these "mini grants" too.
They must be filled out and put in our mailbox before the next monthly meeting. They are read and discussed at the meeting and then the grant is voted upon by all present at the meeting. Usually it is up to the teacher to obtain the requested materials and submit a receipt for payment. Sometimes depending on the situation or request a check is cut that night. We request that anything that is requested over a certain dollar amount have a teacher present to explain the need and answer any questions that those present may have.
Our PTO calls these allocation forms. They have to be turned in a week before the next meeting with all the information filled out and then ideally the teacher should be at the meeting in case the PTO has any questions.
IMovePeople... I would like to have a copy of your wording for your mini-grant, too. The form we use has been used several years and probably should be updated as befits our new bylaws and your's sounds like it might. Could you email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ? THanks for your help.
I have just emailed you the program description and "application" if you will, for a mini-grant. We use this for teachers to request money for things that are not otherwise accounted for in our budget. This is a line item in our budget annually, so we do have a cap each year on how much we can grant. The items must be tangible (non-consumable) and benefit a specific population, i.e. a grade level, a curriculum (library, music department, etc.) and not a fragmented segment of the school. The teacher is also responsible for obtaining a letter from the department head, principal or district indicating that no other funding is available. We approved one at the last general meeting for the kindergarten teachers requesting lined "white boards" and write on/wipe off pens for the kindergarten class to use in learning writing skills. (Saves a couple of trees rather than using paper each time.) Also - it is specifically stated that anything purchased through mini-grant is the property of the school. We purchased stickers to be applied to anything purchased with PTO funds stating that they are property of the school and purchased with funds raised by the students, families, staff and community. Hope this is helpful.
The response I got for all of the Treasurer forms was phoneminal and I want to say thank you to all that have sent me what they had! I really do appreciate it!
I'm searching for another type(s) of forms now. The only way I can explain what I'm looking for is to tell you what I need to be in the form.
Teachers wanting to have a pizza party and/or needing certain supplies would fill out a form (request form) of some sort asking for such items to either be purchased by and/or help fund from our board.
Again, I have absofrigginlutely no idea what these forms would be called other than Teacher Request forms, nor would I even know where to begin wording them "correctly".
Any and all help would be (again! LOL) GREATLY appreciated! Please feel free to email them to me directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you so much!