Menzy Mom--
Would it be wrong if I gave myself a nice gift like that or will you send me a card??? Two years ago we gave the Prez a picnic basket with a couple wine glasses in it and a gift certificate to the local market. It was kind of a thank you and wedding gift in one. She loved it and mentioned that will be nicer than the grocery bags they usually use. I suppose my feelings are just a little hurt because I was due in June and no one did anything nor are they doing anything this time....the picnic basket was really a fun gift!
Last year, for the outgoing president, I bought a nice planter, filled it with potting soil. I got various types of flower seeds, ones that didn't all flower at the same time. I planted them so that when I presented it, it would already have sprouts. Then, I wrote a personal letter that said things like "like this pot, you have proven yourself to be strong, weathering even the toughest crisis" and "like these flowers, you will continue to grow and bloom in your endeavors" and stuff like that. It was very inexpensive, very personal and very touching, even if I do say so myself (and I do say so You could do the ones for the president(s) in the largest size, stepping down a size for the vp and down one more size for the secretary and for the treasurer. Or not. Maybe each of them deserves a large one. My group does! Hope this gives you an idea.
I am the President of our school's PTO and since the elections are next month, I would like to do something nice for the board members who will be leaving, as well as something nice to welcome the new board members. The only idea I have come up with is a "friendship bag" with a bunch of things inside and a note attached telling what each item represents. Can anyone help me come up with something new and creative??? Thanks in advance for your help!