A few of the after-school enrichment programs that our PTA sponsors are: chess club, candle making, hip-hop dance class, martial arts, spanish, crafting, web-page design. These are volunteer parent advisor courses. The hip-hop class is new this year as a new dance studio opened and they are trying to drum up business, so they send an instructor for free 1 afternoon a week for 8 weeks.(win-win situation for both parties) Some schools charge for these programs, but the only expense for us is minimal(candle wax, chess boards, annual flowers) so we offer them for free. We also partner with the local boys and girls club, who happen to use our school for their after-school program and drop in center while their new building is under construction. They offer homework help, intramurals, babysitting courses and much more. It has worked out quite well nad the kids really look forward to the programs.
I'm a parent of a middle school student and our school (and PTA) is currently looking for ideas for non-athletic after school programs/clubs. There simply is not much for non athletic students to do. We are looking for things that either parents or teachers could be the advisor for. Any ideas you have would be great!