We spend our money on "donuts with Mom", "donuts with Dad", "Donuts with grandparents", the end of the year picnic, 8th grade graduation luncheon, 2nd grade first communion pizza party, Staff Christmas gifts, Teacher appreciation, new desks for one grade (different grade each year), lab tables for junior high this year, treats for the whole school a couple times during the year, $5/student for fieldtrips (to help encourage some teachers to take the kids on a fieldtrip), these are a few of the bigger things.
When we set up a budget for the first time last year, we went thru the last 3 years of records to see how much was spent at each event. We then voted to either increase or decrease that amount for the next year. It wasn't that hard to do.
You refer to a budget, could you send me a copy of one? We are forming a planning committee for next year and a budget would be a very good first step. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.